Job Opportunities 2020
Applications are invited from suitably qualifi ed Ugandans to fi ll the following vacancies existing within Kiryandongo District Local
Government and her respective Town Councils. Application form PSC Form 3 (2008) revised is obtainable from Public Service
Commission – Kampala and District Service Commissions Countrywide or can be down loaded from website. Filled
application forms (Triplicate) must be accompanied by 3 most recent passport size photographs plus certifi ed copies of relevant
academic certifi cates, transcripts, pass slips and National Identity should reach the Secretary District Service Commission P.O. BOX
137, Kigumba not later than Wednesday 1st April 2020. Serving offi cers should route their applications through the Chief Administrative
Offi cer who should be advised on the closing date to avoid delays.
1. All applications should bear the Vacancy Reference Number (REF No.) and Post Title of each area of their interest.
2. Details of job descriptions and person specifi cation can be accessed at the notice board of Kiryandongo District Hqtrs or the
secretariat of any District Service Commission
3. Anyone who does not hear from us at the end of this recruitment exercise should consider him/herself Unsuccessful